Thursday, December 29, 2005

What to do with all the students who are tardy?

For various reasons we have a high percentage of families who are chronically tardy to school. A survey of area schools reveals that there is a wide range of approaches to handling this problem. Many schools simply document the late arrival and leave it at that. Some schools assign detention to students who are chronically tardy while others levy fines. What are reasonable consequences? What are reasonable expectations for arriving on time?

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Underhill One Way? Yes, No May be So!!

Steps have been taken to zone Underhill one way. The zoning would allow Underhill to flow North to South. Traffic would enter from the Bradley / Underhill corner and exit through the alleys south of the school. Would this be beneficial for the flow of traffic before and after school? Would it make traffic during basketball games easier to manage?

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Christmas Program

This year the Christmas Program returned to the Church. The Eucharist was removed prior to the show. How did the program sound? Was the Church a more accomodating environment? Should the Christmas program stay in the Church? Should the Christmas program be longer? Should the Christmas program be shorter? Comments please!