Athletic Eligibility Requirements? An F, two Ds, what should it be?
Currently students are ineligible for intersholastic athletics or other co-curriculars when their cumulative grade for a counted subject drops under an F as recorded Friday at noon. Some concern has arisen over the fact that students who earn high marks during the first semester can academically coast for the remainder of the year. A few possible solutions have arisen.
One line of reasoning promotes changing inelgible standing to be any F or two cumulative D's. In this scenario a student receiving two Ds, an F, or an F and a D would be ineligible.
Another line argues that instead of using cumulative grades to determine ineligibility the quarter or semester grade should be used. The benefit is ongoing accountability but the drawback consists of fewer points/assignments with which to determine the grade.
The goal is to promote commitment to academic excellence while viewing participation in co-curriculars as a privelege not a right.
Love to hear your thoughts on the subject...